
Showing posts from 2012

Ranking the rows using ROW_NUMBER()

Hi Guys, here i m going to explain how you can give rank to the rows on the basis of column's information and by creating Partition. suppose you have a table, like:- M_Emp EmpId EmpName E001 GAGAN E001 GAGAN E001 GAGAN E002 AMAN E002 AMAN E003 NAMAN Now  Execute following query :-     SELECT EmpId, EmpName,     ROW_NUMBER()OVER(Partition by EMPID ORDER by EMPID) RowId       FROM M_Emp Output :- EmpId EmpName RowId E001 GAGAN 1 E001 GAGAN 2 E001 GAGAN 3 E002 AMAN 1 E002 AMAN 2 E003 NAMAN 1 This will results in the ranking of rows on the basis of column information. I hope you understand the logic/syntax behind. basically It is used to perform any rank based operation.

Deleting duplicate records using CTE

Hi Guys, here i m going to explain how you can use CTE to delete duplicate records. suppose you have a table, like:- M_Emp EmpId EmpName E001 GAGAN E001 GAGAN E001 GAGAN E002 AMAN E002 AMAN E003 NAMAN Now  Execute following query to delete duplicate records ;WITH CteExample(EmpId , RowId) AS (     SELECT EmpId,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(Partition by EMPID ORDER by EMPID) RowId     FROM M_Emp ) DELETE FROM CteExample WHERE RowId > 1 This query will delete all the duplicate records.

What is CTE and its example

CTE stands for Common Table Expression, use Dr. Google for more specifications. According to me CTE means a temp view/table to hold any query result. Its very useful in writing complex recursive queries. click to see .  Here I am demonstrating a small example of CTE. Suppose, You have a table M_Users , see below :- M_Users Username FirstName admin Gagan uAman Aman uNaman Naman now execute following query :- ;WITH ExampleCTE(Username,FirstName) AS (     SELECT Username, firstname from M_Users ) SELECT * FROM ExampleCTE Output : ExampleCTE Username FirstName admin Gagan uAman Aman uNaman Naman Output is quite simple, here you can write multiple queries defining joins and all. depends upon your requirement.