Kick start 2021 😃😃
Welcome 2021, Good bye 2020
When many are busy in cursing year 2020 & expecting some magic to come out one number changed on 31 Dec mid night. I feel, Year 2020 was the best teacher.
Year 2020 has taught many lesson in the course of just one year. So If you survived 2020, Remember: -
1. Your body, your health
There is a old saying health is wealth, that's what we saw in pandemic. Many not survived the virus but fittest survived. Another law of evolution: Survival of the fittest, Remember, No matter what, always maintain your health. You never know when we land again in another pandemic.
2. Your company, your job
If your company kept you feeding whole year in 2020, you must agree to the fact that this one is best company & show the gratitude despite you may have many complaints with your company. Make sure
we give 100% to the our job & company.
3. Single source of income
My company is great & always takes care of mine. Having said that, we still need to rethink on the strategy of our earnings. If we have just one source of income (and many liabilities like loan, kids education etc). So beware, you might have survived this pandemic but may not survive next hiccups like another pandemic Or recession. Being dependent on a single source of income makes you most vulnerable to anomalies happening around you. So start investing Or working on your idea to create another source(s) of income.
4. Your family your strength
Remember how much time we spent on our home this year? It was indeed greater than what we previously use to spend at home and with the family, without going into the expensive restaurants and lavish tips. If you were the one like me (stuck far 8.5K miles from family), you must have realized the importance of your family and elderly people in your life. Always be grateful for their presence in our life.
After saying all this, I still believe what doesn't kills you makes you stronger. So be thankful to the god for surviving last year 2020 and get ready to change your life & the way of life in 2021 :)
Happy New Year 2021