Reactive notes

Not starting with the traditional definitions but some quick one-liner notes about the different parts & pieces of the React.

Component in React

1. Defining a Component

      - Always name your components with upper case first letter.
2. Types
       - Function components
       - Class components
3. Ways of holding data
       - props 
            - prop types (runtime prop validation)
       - states
            - setState (merge previous state & current state)
4. Life cycle

Saying: All React components must act like pure functions with respect to their props. 


1. External domain language, to generate html using JS to build a custom react component. 

2. Supports html like syntax in JS. 
3. Each element is transformed into a javascript function call. 
4. Transcript compiler is required to convert into javascript like babel. 
5. Props in JSX:  <Hello a={10} />

Naming JSX components:

Spread Attributes 

ES2015 has introduced spread syntax. 

Example: - 

function Sum(props){

   return <div> {props.a} + {props.b} = {props.a + props.b} </div>

const props = {a:1, b:2};
const element =  <sum {...props} />

Unescaping Content (Setting innerHtml of the elements)

function Container(props){
    return <p innerHtml = {{__html:props.myhtml}}>

<Container myhtml="<b>Hello World!</b>" />


Events can be: - 

1. DOM events (button click, dom scroll, etc)     
2. Component events


1. Common state container library.
2. Help to implement M-V-I pattern. 
3. It reduces the stream of intent to an object. 

Redux API 
 createStore(reducer, initialState)

React Hooks

- Hooks brin state and lifecycle to React functional components.
- hooks are easy to use without complex usage patterns. 

Only Call Hooks at the Top Level.

1. useState - used for two-way binding. 
import React,  {useStatefrom 'react';

const InputElement = () => {

   const [inputTextsetInputText] = useState(""); 
   const [historyListsetHistoryList] = useState([]);

  return <div>
                onChange={(e=> {
                placeholder="Enter Some Text"></input>
                {> {
                    return <div>{rec}</div>;

export default InputElement;
2. useRef - Primarily used to allow access directly to an element in the dom.
import React, {useReffrom 'react';

const ImageTogglerOnMouseOver = ({primaryImgsecondaryImg}) => {

    const imageRef = useRef(null);

    return (
            onMouseOver = {() => {
                imageRef.current.src = secondaryImg;
            onMouseOut = {() => {
                imageRef.current.src = primaryImg;
            src = {primaryImg}
            alt = "" ref = {imageRef}

export default ImageTogglerOnMouseOver;

3. useEffect - Adding/ Removing DOM listeners

import React, {useEffectfrom 'react';

const syntax = () => {

    const [checkBoxValuesetCheckBoxValue] = useState(false);

    useEffect(() => {
        console.log('in useEffect');
        return ()=> {
            console.log('in useEffect cleanup');
    }, [checkBoxValue]);


export default syntax;

Some react hooks:

1. useContext
2. useReducer 
      How reducer works? 
      (previousState, action) => newState
3. useCallback
4. useMemo

Flux API

Important methods in Flux API

Redux Setup 



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